Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Suzanne Aubert-a person who lived like Jesus through the Holy Spirit

Suzanne Aubert
Suzanne Aubert declared 'venerable' | NZ Catholic NewspaperWhen was Suzanne Aubert Born?

Suzanne Aubert was born on 19 June 1835

When did Suzanne Aubert die?

Suzanne Aubert die on 1 October 1926

Where was Suzanne Aubert born?

Suzanne Aubert was born in Saint Symphorien de Lay, France

How did Suzanne Aubert get famous? Suzanne Aubert formed the

Congregation of the Holy Family to educate Maori children

Why is Suzanne Aubert famous?

She became well known to Maori and Pakeha, Catholic and non-Catholic
communities as she moved around the district ministering to her people
How old was Suzanne Aubert before she died? 
Suzanne Aubert was 91 years old when she died 
What is Suzanne Aubert's second name?
Suzanne Aubert’s second name is Mary Joseph Aubert


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