Saturday, August 1, 2020

My Water Care Lesson


Yay I couldn’t believe that Sarah was going to teach us about the difference between stormwater and wastewater. Sarah taught us some information about water and we did some experiments. She also taught us about what happens if we pollute the water.


Yesterday Sarah told us what used to happen in a hotel on Queens Street. The chambermaids used to throw the hotel guest’s poop and pee in the river. In the olden days flushable toilets were very expensive and not many people could afford them. Only the rich and wealthy people could afford flushable toilets. It’s interesting how in the past flushable toilets were so expensive but now they are normal in homes.

She also taught us what happened at the water treatment plant. If the super bug doesn’t eat all the bugs, the bugs get put in a room with 6676 lights in the room until they die. Then the water would get filtered and would end up in the ocean. 

After this we went outside and did an experiment. We used very light white powdery stones to build mountains, hills, and volcanoes. We used a plastic sheet to cover the stones. From there we used watering cans to pour water on our mountains to see how many rivers or streams were made. 

At the end Sarah had five little containers. In the first container she put in engine oil, the second container had red paint, the third container had food scraps, the fourth one had cooking oil and the last container had dishwashing liquid. She wanted to show us the reaction when chemicals and food scraps were added to water.


Overall I thought it was an interesting lesson. I didn’t know that there was a stormwater and a wastewater pipe underneath our homes. She said if everyone took a four minute shower that would save a lot more water. I am very happy that I don’t have to be a chambermaid like some people in the olden days. I am lucky that I live in the present.

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